Welcome !!!
Today in this blog we are going to learn how to write a
program to find the multiplication table of any number in C language. In order
to understand this blog, I prefer you to learn about loops in C, so that you
can understand better. In this program we are going to use “for loop”.
First, we will define an integer n. Then take input from
user by using scanf( ).
--> scanf(“%d”,
And then the most important thing i.e. the for loop. Syntax of for loop is:
--> for(….condition….){
………..code……… }
The condition that we will write here is (int i=1; i<=10;
i++.). So here if you want you can declare i as an integer along with the integer
n. But instead of doing that I declare it here itself in the condition. Moving
forward i is the number that is going to get multiplied by the number user
provide i.e. from 1 to 10.
Solution: -
int main(){
int n;
the number n: ");
i=1; i<=10; i++){
%d * %d = %d\n", n, i, n*i);
Well, that’s it here is the solution and if you have any difficulty
in understanding any line of the code, feel free to ask me in the comment
And if there is any mistake feel free to correct me and let
me know in the comment section.
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