Welcome! Today we are going to solve another question of HackerRank but this time we are going to start with C++. In this blog we are going to learn how to take input from user in C++ and how to print output.

Below the following question/text is taken straight from Hacker Rank. 


In this challenge, we practice reading input from stdin and printing output to stdout.

In C++, you can read a single whitespace-separated token of input using cin, and print output to stdout using cout. For example, let's say we declare the following variables:

--string s;

--int n;

and we want to use cin to read the input "High 5" from stdin. We can do this with the following


--cin >> s >> n;

This reads the first word ("High") from stdin and saves it as string s, then reads the second word ("5") from stdin and saves it as integer n. If we want to print these values to stdout, separated by a space, we write the following code:

--cout << s << " " << n << endl;

This code prints the contents of string s, a single space (” ”), then the integer n. We end our line of output with a newline using endl. This results in the following output:

--High 5


Read 3 numbers from stdin and print their sum to stdout.

Input Format

One line that contains 3 space-separated integers: a,b ,and c.


1 < a, b, c < 1000

Output Format

Print the sum of the three numbers on a single line.

Sample Input

1 2 7

Sample Output



The sum of the three numbers is 1 + 2 + 7 = 10. 


#include <cmath>

#include <cstdio>

#include <vector>

#include <iostream>

#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;


int main() {

    int a,b,c, sum;

    cin>>a>>b>>c; //input


    cout<<sum<<endl; //output 

    return 0;


Above I have provided image and textual form of the solution. I hope that you won’t just copy paste try to understand the code.

Well, that’s it here is the solution and if you have any difficulty in understanding any line of the code, feel free to ask me in the comment section. ðŸ˜ƒ

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