Age is very important in South Korea. One of the cultures of Korea that other people find amusing is its age system. International age and Korean age of a person is different. Because in Korean age system, the nine months that you spent inside your mother’s womb is counted (approximately one year) so everyone is one year old at birth. And everyone gets one year added to their Korean age on New Year’s Day.

For example, if your birthday is 25 December 2000 then your Korean age will be 22 years (current year July 2021, Corona time 💔). As you’re born you will be 1 year old and on 1st January 1 more year is added to your age i.e., you’ll be 2 years old on 1st January. And in July 2021 you’ll be 22 years old in Korean age system while in international age you’ll be 20 years.

Formula: - Present Year – Birth Year + 1


                    Birthday has passed this year – Your age + 1

                    Birthday has not passed yet – Your age + 2

In might be weird for you (non-Koreans) when someone asks your age in the first meeting but it’s completely fine in Korea. Because in Korean language there is certain politeness level when you talk to someone who is older than you. You don’t want to be rude with someone in the first meeting right. Even the way you refer to your friends who is older than you or younger than you is different. So, age is really important in Korea.

Don’t misunderstand that in Korea you’ll be legal for drinking, smoking, etc. because of your Korean age. The legal age is based on international age only. Korean age is mostly used for social interactions only.

Let me know if there are any mistakes and if you have any questions do ask me in the comment section.

If you are learning Korean or interested in South Korea do check my blogs👈.