Coding, to put it simply, is a way to communicate with a computer. Giving instructions to a computer in a language it can understand in order for it to carry out particular tasks is known as computer programming. We can create things like computer software, websites, apps, and video games thanks to coding.

Depending on the type of code you wish to build, there are many different types. as well as other "programming languages"—each that has its own set of rules. But in essence, programming involves delivering instructions to a machine in order to get the desired result.

What is coding for kids?

Every kid should learn to code if we want to prepare them for academic success. Skills who learn to code not only develop their writing and math skills but also acquire vital life skills that will aid them later in life when they begin their careers.

There are many reasons why learning to code is crucial, and why it should be taught in schools starting at a young age. Kids have a better probability of success the earlier they start to code.

Different coding languages for kids

Worldwide, software engineers and computer programmers utilize more than 700 distinct coding languages. Although there are many different languages with various functions and applications, they are all used to communicate with computers.

Tynker and Scratch are two possibilities for drag-and-drop visual block programming that are recommended for beginners, including kids. This strategy imparts essential ideas that show how a programmer can manipulate both cause and effect with little adjustments without even typing or using complicated syntax. Understanding the significance of programming loops, sequences, and debugging is made simpler by block programming. It's a fantastic place to start!

Young programmers may then go on to demonstrate interest in coding for many reasons. Maybe they want to learn how to code video games in an immersive setting, or maybe they want to create an app for their smartphone. Once your child has a basic understanding of coding, you may easily encourage them to keep using what they've learned by teaching them other coding languages, such as:

-- JavaScript




Gaining knowledge and confidence in learning new languages and algorithms comes with experience. Kids can continue to build on their knowledge and apply coding to new and varied applications as their interests develop provided the core skills are taught to them at an early age.

Best way to learn coding for kids

Kids can learn the fundamentals of coding with the assistance of a variety of tools.

There are several interactive devices and coding apps that introduce computer science principles to young children and elementary school students. Coding fundamentals can be incorporated into everyday play through activities like Code-a-pillar, Miko 3, and Sphero Sprk, which claim to make learning enjoyable.

Children as young as five years old can learn the code blocks and associated variables, loops, conditionals, and if/then logic required to design games and activities in coding lessons. There are various ways to assist your child develop the critical thinking abilities required for difficult coding problems, regardless of whether they would benefit from one-on-one training or a group environment to interact with peers. Courses and activities vary depending on age and experience.

Several well-liked programs offer: -


A beginner-level, visual programming language that prepares children for more difficult ones like Python, C++, and Java. If your youngster is interested in developing video games or apps, this is a wonderful place to start.


Young learners and older children can experience a virtual world using the famous coding platform Minecraft, which also gives them the chance to study and code in a collaborative and social setting.

Find a coding class near you

Your kids can learn coding in an enjoyable manner. But if you want to follow a more structed technique then you can check 

Codekaroyaaro, it is an online coding school for kids (from grade 1 – 10+). The Suvidha Foundation operated the online coding school Codekaroyaaro for kids. By teaching children how to create mobile apps, gaming apps, websites, online applications, and mobile apps with AI, they enable every child to become expert in coding.

The goal of Codekroyarro is to educate kids how to code and provide them with a good basis in computer science theories and application so they can become knowledgeable responsible adults who are lifelong learners and utilize computing technology for the benefit of society.

Before enrolling in the course provided by Codekroyaaro, students can try out the classes during a free trial session. The fees range from INR 5,788 for a beginner course to INR 15,434 for an advanced course.

For additional information, get in touch with Codekroyaaro through the following websites: -







To get an introduction why kids need to code, you can refer to this following blog: -

And if you want to get to know about top 5 online coding games for kids, you can refer to the following blog: -