Korean is one of the hardest languages to learn, so it will take a good amount of time to learn. I assume that you have learned hangul (한글) and kind of stuck what to do next. Don’t worry I will guide you 😉

 But before that, a piece of advice before investing your time in learning something think why this, your motivation and your goals.

 Now, let’s get into the topic.

·        Sound change Rules:

You might have heard about this topic or not but it’s really important. Its helps to know how to pronounce the words correctly. You might want to know this if your end goal is to be fluent in Korean.

Don’t stress about learning these rules just know that they exist and with regular speaking practice you will eventually memorize these.

 ·        Stop Romanization:  

You might be reading Korean using romanization to pronounce the words more accurately. Don’t do that. Try to read using hangul(한글). You may think it’s easier than using hangul but when you start to learn more Korean it will become really difficult because the Korean alphabets sounds are quite different than English alphabets.

 The beauty of hangul is its simplicity. You can learn the alphabets in some hours and with proper practice you will be able to sound out Korean words in a couple of days. It will definitely help you to gain confidence in your journey of  learning Korean.

 ·        Basic phrases: 

Basic phrases like how to say hello, thank you, yes, no, how much is it, etc will motivate you to learn the language instead of jumping straight into the grammatical rules. Perhaps you may come across some simple phrases when watching Korean dramas or K- pop and when you are able to understand something, a sense of happiness and achievements will spike through your veins and even enhance your interest in learning.

 ·      Grammar:

For grammar portion I will prefer you to buy reliable Korean grammar textbooks instead of learning random things from here and there. And start with basic don’t jump straight into the complicated long sentence structures. It will drain your interest in learning the language.

 ·      Vocabulary:  

While learning vocabulary don’t learn random vocabs that you come across through internet. Learn the vocabs that you can relate to, for example you like to go to cafes learn the vocabs that are used in cafes. This method provides you with knowledge of daily used vocabs and vocabs that will help you to express yourself like how to say happy, sad, angry, etc. More examples like vocab of smells, numbers, related to money, etc. In addition to that you’ll be able to grasp the phrases related to your learned vocabs easily.

 v  NOTE: -

 ·        Do the grammar and vocabulary practice together. Because just learning the grammatical rules won’t be any help if  you’re not able to construct a sentence on your own. For sentence structure you need vocabulary.

 ·       If you have Korean friends well and good practice with him/her but if you don’t have any Korean friend practice with   yourself, I know it sounds weird but it helps, record yourself while speaking see what mistakes you’re making.

 ·        Practice, practice and practice

It’s the only way to learn and be fluent. Be consistent, learn something daily and study daily even for 10 minutes. And when you’re not feeling motivated enough to continue learning anymore take a short break, think why you started learning this, think about your goal and how your life will be benefited by doing this.


                                                                GOOD LUCK 😊


 If you have any questions feel free to ask me in the comment section.         

 If you are learning Korean or interested in South Korea do check my blogs👈.